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October 31, 2012

Safe flooring – Plastex Lok

Plastex Lok and Plastex Chex are two new PVC tiles, introduced by Plastic Extruders Ltd to extend its range of multi-purpose floor coverings.

The company says the tiles are manufactured in the UK from recycled PVC, and are used for permanent or temporary flooring over large areas, offering value for money and long lifecycle performance.

Described as a hardwearing 16mm-high interlocking tile system, the Plastex Lok tile’s open-grid construction is said to make it particularly suitable for workplaces and areas subject to heavy spillage and slippery conditions. Liquids and other debris will fall through the grid, minimising the risk of tripping, says Plastic Extruders, while the tile’s ‘pimpled’ surface provides high levels of slip resistance.

According to Plastic Extruders, Plastex Chex is a solid mat with a chequer-plate surface laid in an interlocking jigsaw design. It is said to be suitable as a hardwearing and slip-resistant floorcovering in finishing or assembly areas, laboratories, machine workshops and workstations. The 14mm-high tiles absorb shock and noise and are resistant to chemicals, oils and acids, as well as to extremes of temperature, says the company.

Both Plastex Lok and Chex are supplied in black 500mm square tiles for interlocking on site. Optional extras available to order include yellow and black edging.

Samples and information are available from Plastic Extruders Ltd by calling 01268 571116. Alternatively, visit

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