May 19, 2022

Safety & Health Expo 2022

What’s on today at Safety & Expo 2022?

Safety & Health Expo opened its doors for 2022 on Tuesday at London’s ExCeL. Here, we take a look at what visitors can expect from the Keynote and Operational Excellence Theatre’s on day 3 of the event…

Louis TherouxThe highlight of the final day of the event is Inspirational Speaker session with Louis Theroux, who will sit down with SHP Editor Ian Hart to talk about how his communication skills are transferrable to the safety profession, his thoughts on risk, health & wellbeing and he will share insightful stories from his vast ranging experience as a TV journalist. Louis will take to the stage in the Keynote Theatre at 12:00. Attending delegates will then get their chance to put their questions to Louis in an interactive audience Q&A.

If you want to secure your spot for that session, get seated early and listen to Mike Oliver, Workplace Sleep Ambassador Programme Manager at The Sleep Charity, who will be looking at Safety and sleep, including mental health, driver fatigue & shift work, from 11:15.

Diane Chadwick-JonesPrior to those two sessions, Diane Chadwick-Jones, Former Director Human Performance at BP, delivers a session on The next age of safety leadership: moving from blaming to learning, from 10:30.

At the same time, across in the Operational Excellence Theatre, Heather Beach will be hosting an interactive workshop looking at the Cultural approach to wellbeing.

Following on directly after Louis Theroux, at 12:50, join the Tribe team for a live performance tackling health and wellbeing at work, entitled Wellbeing: Are we really listening or just hearing?

After lunch, in the Operational Excellence Theatre IOSH President Elect, Lawrence Webb, will be looking at Harnessing the power of social sustainabilityfrom 13:30.

Click here for the full Safety & Health Expo 2022 Agenda.

Safety & Health Expo 2022 takes place at London’s ExCeL from 17-19 May. Registration for is completely free, and your ticket also allows you free access to co-located events, FIREX International, Facilities Show, Intelligent Building Europe and IFSEC International.

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