Call for Papers for speakers is now open. Click here to apply to speak at Workplace Wellbeing Show.
Listen to SHP’s podcast: ‘What is it about burnout that makes us susceptible?‘
The Workplace Wellbeing Conference takes place online from 1 – 3 June. It will feature in-depth content for anyone involved in leading wellbeing initiatives within their organisation, and will also guide anyone looking to support their own wellbeing or the wellbeing of the people they work.
The conference will bring together 40 expert speakers from a wide range of backgrounds. Their mix of professional achievements, lived experience and inspirational stories will help you deliver effective wellbeing initiatives and will help you support colleagues, and perhaps yourself. You can expect some healthy debate on the subject, too, as our virtual event platform will enable a truly interactive experience for delegates and speakers alike.
Speakers include former No. 10 director of communications and strategy Alastair Campbell; astronaut Major Tim Peake; Mind CEO Paul Farmer; Olympic gold medallist Amy Williams; award-winning campaigner Tom Dunning; HSE Principal Human Factors Specialist Phoebe Smith; and many more.
Click here to see the full Workplace Wellbeing Conference agenda.
Click here to buy a ticket for the Workplace Wellbeing virtul Conference.
Workplace Wellbeing Theatre
The ‘Workplace Wellbeing Theatre’ highlights new methods for improving mental health in the workplace. It hosts speakers and panel debates discussing key ideas and developments within wellbeing. There is also a ‘Healthy Eating Café’, which stresses the importance of diet, and the ‘Wellness Wall’, where experts from IWFM will share their big ideas for tackling wellbeing challenges.
The Workplace Wellbeing Theatre hosts a range of fascinating and informative sessions and panel discussions on key aspects of workplace wellbeing, including ‘Mental Health and the Law’, ‘The Wellbeing Professional of the Future’, ‘Tackling Fatigue in Your Organisation’ and ‘Nutrition as Part of a Health and Wellbeing Offer.’
Ahead of the 2019 event, Brand Director Chris Edwards spoke to SHP…
2019 seminar highlights included:
Supporting employee mental health: Mind’s advice following the Thriving at Work review, Faye McGuinness, Head of Workplace Wellbeing Programmes, Mind.
Laing O’Rourke’s 5-year journey to improve health and wellbeing – lessons learnt and ideas that could be replicated in other workplaces, Silvana Martin, Health and Wellbeing Leader, Laing O’Rourke.
Where is the mental health agenda headed in 2019? Panel debate.
Being part of the ‘sandwich generation’, with both younger and older people to look after, and its impact on your health and wellbeing, Karen McDonnell, Occupational Health and Safety Policy Advisor, RoSPA.
Nutrition as part of a health and wellbeing offer, Catherine Attfield, Head of Nutrition and Wellbeing, Artizian and Co-Founder, Nutrition Bites.
Wellbeing at work – differences in what ‘snowflakes’ and ‘baby boomers’ expect from their employers, and the benefits of wellbeing for recruitment and retention, Nichola Ebbern, Associate Director, Capita Real Estate and Infrastructure.
Tackling fatigue in your organisation, Marcus de Guingand, Managing Director, Third Pillar of Health.
How your job impacts your wellbeing, panel debate.
Mental health and the law, Heather Beach, Director, The Healthy Work Company.
The wellbeing professional of the future, panel debate.
These features aimed to encourage health and safety professionals to adopt a strategy that embraces new, innovative methods to care for both the physical and mental health of their colleagues. The timetable for next year will be released in early 2020.
Click here to keep up-to-date with information on the 2020 Workplace Wellbeing Show.