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Jamie Hailstone is a freelance journalist and author, who has also contributed to numerous national business titles including Utility Week, the Municipal Journal, Environment Journal and consumer titles such as Classic Rock.
February 1, 2019

Professional development

Health and safety professional development dashboard updated

Acre Frameworks has updated its Frameworks Dashboard, which aims to improve health and safety professional development of practitioners.

The dashboard recently celebrated its third anniversary and provides health and safety professionals with objective feedback on how their can improve their business performance.

The updated platform includes the ability for users to track year-on-year development, along with personal record of reflective learning.

Another significant update is the ability for companies to bench mark their teams’ competencies against industry standards.

The foundation of the original framework was based on interviews with a cross-industry panel of HSE leaders.

Last November, it was revealed that Acre has formally appointed a European Advisory Panel of over 90 leading professionals whose role is to ensure that the competencies at the heart of Acre Frameworks remain on the pulse.

A North American panel will also be assembled by 2020.

“One of the most important actions that a leader can do is develop the skills of the team and develop a pathway for individuals to achieve their career goals,” said Advisory panel member James Pomeroy, Group Health, Safety, Environment and Security Director at Lloyd’s Register.

“This is particularly important now given the transformation that the HSE profession is undergoing and the ever-increasing need for HSE practitioners to hold effective soft skills, such as communicating, influencing and meeting the differing needs of stakeholders.

“The Acre Frameworks model addresses these challenges through the use of a tailored competency framework for HSE practitioners that helps the individuals assess themselves, identify where they can improve and offer 1-2-1 practical support,” added Mr Pomeroy.

“Acre Frameworks provides invaluable insights for HSE managers, enabling them to better understand the personality, skills and capabilities of team members. The dashboard’s capability is intuitive but essential when considering how to develop future talent and identify areas of potential team development”

Acre Frameworks Director Anna Keen commented: “We are able to provide companies with more data than ever about how their team members can successfully embed themselves in the commercial DNA of their company. This is crucial for the profession which is in an important transition. HSE professionals with exceptional business attributes are able to navigate company hierarchies more effectively and are known to be dramatically more effective.”

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