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August 23, 2009

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Respiratory safety and equipment



Available throughout the UK, Draeger says its industrial training courses cover everything from the selection, use and maintenance of gas detection equipment, breathing apparatus and airlines, through to confined-space entry procedures. First aid and emergency response are also featured, together with training on the correct use of drug


Each course can be customised to suit specific hazards or unusual applications, says the company. If preferred, they can also be carried out at Draeger’s purpose-built training centre using sewers, manhole covers, and crawl galleries, as well as simulated environmental effects.






Regarding its gas detection courses, Draeger says they provide training on the selection, use and care of gas detection equipment. Whichever system is chosen, it is essential that full training in its use and analysis is provided to ensure effective results. This is particularly important in industrial applications, adds the company, where different types of environmental monitoring systems may be required – from air-sampling tubes through to hand-held gas detectors and remote or fixed monitoring equipment.






Further information is available from David Fenton at Draeger Safety UK Limited, tel: 01670 352891, or visit


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