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January 28, 2015

Office safety and first aid: don’t get caught out

Lionel Bailey outlines the key hazards in the office environment and explains how businesses can ensure they have adequate first aid provision based on industry best practice.

Mitigating risks in an office environment starts with ensuring there is relevant first aid provision in the workplace.

Potential hazards may not be obvious in the average office and a lack of awareness can lead to a shortfall in first aid provision. This could lead to simple accidents developing into serious issues due to misunderstandings and the inability to apply correct first aid treatments.

First aid provisions in the workplace

Although there is no legislative requirement for UK businesses to possess standardised first aid kits or a fixed number of first aiders, government regulations say firms must be able to provide adequate treatment in reasonable time following a workplace injury.

So what should a first aid kit in the workplace contain and how can employers minimise potential hazards?

The contents of a first aid kit must be based on the findings of a site risk assessment. Published by HSE, the First Aid at Work ACOP L74 provides guidance and support for employers on managing the provision of first aid in the workplace, including how to carry out a regular risk assessment.

Businesses with multiple sites will need to conduct separate assessments for each of their sites. Within a large firm, business models may vary across the different locations, therefore the assessment should identify the specific needs of each site and provide first aid equipment and trained personnel to accommodate this. In complex situations, with multiple first aiders across multiple sites, there may be a requirement for a lead first aider on each site to manage procedures.

While there isn’t a regulatory requirement under the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, there is a British standard for first aid kits. Employers need to base their list of first aid items on the level of risk within the business and this should be driven by the number of employees in the office and how often staff are exposed to potential hazards.

What are the main hazards in an office space?

There are two types of hazard posed by the office environment – mobile and static. The most obvious static hazards that need to be considered in an office environment include: incorrectly stored or positioned items such as boxes, handbags or coats. Mobile risks are those that might be more difficult to monitor, where staff put themselves directly in danger of injury such as incorrect lifting, carrying and handling of furniture.

Although the risks may seem low-level, these actions can cause significant skeletal and muscular damage. It is therefore important that some form of staff training takes place on both types of risk in the workplace.

Minimising risk and first aid essentials

In terms of the essentials, a first aid kit equipped to BS 8599 is a good start, although it is advisable that employers choose the contents to address the specific hazards and risks within their workplace. The site assessment may identify the need for additional items, aside from the core first aid kit such as foil blankets or disposable aprons.

Another key consideration is the need for a first aid room, along with the provision of personal or vehicle first aid kits for employees who travel. Employers need to stay vigilant and remember that first aid provision must be sufficient and appropriate in all circumstances and available across all areas where they are liable, including consideration for varying shift patterns and the needs of visitors coming to site.

Engaging the workforce

In terms of briefing employees about office safety and first aid provision, verbal communication is always best. First aid advice on how to use equipment correctly should always come from the first aider who possesses up-to-date knowledge of key risk areas onsite. While it would be ideal for all employees in the business to have some first aid knowledge this is not a requirement in an office environment.

The number of first aid trained staff depends solely on the hazards and risks within each workplace. Anyone qualified in emergency first aid at work must re-train every three years. In addition, HSE strongly recommends that first aiders attend annual refresher training courses to keep their skills up-to-date. This training will assist employers complying with the legal requirements and avoid a shortfall in their first aid provision.

Some employers and indeed their staff may feel that there are no hazards in an office – this is incorrect; there will always be hazards in the workplace, it is just that the risk from such hazards may be low-level. This is where awareness is needed and employers must take the first steps to communicate with employees regularly and review the risks posed within their business.

Lionel Bailey is health and safety manager at Office Depot

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