Heineken refocuses its safety strategy
Traditionally, the main focus of Heineken’s safety activities has been the production environment. However, the majority of all accidents within the business occur outside production, when employees are travelling to or from work or distributing the products, as these are less controlled environments.
Reyes Gonzalez, global safety manager, Heineken International B.V., will be presenting Heineken’s safety strategy at the IOSH conference today, and detailing how it now focuses on safety across the company.
Ms Gonzalez will outline the company’s five levers of safety – the 5Cs – that help general managers drive safety: culture and leadership; competence; compliance; calibration; and continuous improvement.
One area of concern at Heineken is safety within Mexico. Tragically, in 2014, fifteen people died working for Heineken. Of the 15 deaths, eight were due to traffic accidents, one died in a dust explosion and six were the result of shootings at retail stores in Mexico owned by Heineken, where the victims included employees.
The number of fatalities in Mexico reflects the high level of crime-related violence, and Ms Gonzalez will describe measures taken to improve the security of their personnel, measures that have resulted in a 40 per cent reduction in assaults over the last two years.
The presentation will also include a case study on road safety and how to drive OHS strategy across a company.

Reyes Gonzalez will be presenting in track C in the IOSH conference from 16.45.
Heineken refocuses its safety strategy
Traditionally, the main focus of Heineken’s safety activities has been the production environment. However, the majority of all accidents within
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