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Safety and Health Practitioner (SHP) is first for independent health and safety news.
April 16, 2018

Your three minute soapbox…!

Want to be a speaker at Safety and Health Expo?

Being able to present in a convincing, engaging and inspiring manner is important for developing almost any career and is certainly important in health and safety. Speaking in front of a large audience has the bi-product of developing confidence too.

This opportunity being run through Women in Health and Safety is a chance for six women to present their three minute soapbox in the Keynote Theatre at Safety and Health Expo on Wednesday 20th of June. The theatre can seat up to 200 people.

Everyone taking part will be invited to presentation skills training by from renowned speaker coach, Maryam Pasha.

What is a three minute soapbox?

A three minute soapbox can be on a topic of your choice, related to the subject of ‘women in health and safety’ or health and safety more generally. It should be something you feel passionate about. It should present your point of view, perhaps invite the audience to take action in a specific area.

The soapbox is designed to provide enough information to pique people’s interest about your topic without going into a great deal of detail.

You can use a maximum of three slides.

Think about WHAT you will present and HOW you will present it.

Remember, everyone taking part will be invited to a presentation skills coaching session. So if you’re one of the speakers you will have professional help in crafting your final presentation.

How can I apply?

There are two ways to apply for one of the speaker slots.

  1. Send a video entry to [email protected] and [email protected] (you might need to use dropbox, or something similar if the file is too large to attach to an email)
  2. Complete the form below

We’re hoping to see as many video entries as possible so if you can submit a video entry, please do so!

If you’re sending a video entry:

  • It should be fairly short – 1 minute or less is ideal
  • You should give us an overview of what you’d like talk about and why you should be chosen
  • It doesn’t have to be professional quality, filming yourself on a phone is absolutely fine – we’re not looking for technical quality, we’re looking for the quality of your speaking and an insight into your topic

We will chose a variety of topics – so if you pick a popular one you may find you are up against stiff competition.


  • Applications to be received by SHP by April 30th 2018
  • Six speakers will be chosen by the Women in Health and Safety committee by May 21st 2018
  • 90 minute group presentation skills coaching session will take place in late May/early June
  • Your slide(/s) should be submitted to SHP by June 3rd 2018
  • Your presentation will take place on 20th June between 14.00 – 15.00, in Safety & and Health Expo’s Keynote Theatre, which is supported by Safety Media.


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