Getting it right – Safety culture, health and safety priorities and training provision
A strong safety culture is increasingly seen as one of the cornerstones of a robust occupational health and safety system.
As more organisations focus on the value of meeting higher standards than their basic legal duties demand – whether the return is in lower sickness absence, reduced disruption from minor accidents, or increased employee wellbeing – they understand the need to ensure that health and safety is not a bolt-on activity to other operational priorities or a top-down set of rules. They know that fostering a strong safety culture, one in which employees are committed to protecting themselves and their colleagues, supported by all levels of management, is better business.
Accreditation to standards such as the ISO 45001 management systems standard are also becoming a near necessity in some sectors, whether it is required by investors or supply chains. Organisations signing up to these standards expose themselves to external audit which includes interviews with senior managers and others to assess the state of their safety systems and culture.
In this paper we reveal the findings of a survey specially commissioned by Make UK of EHS specialists and senior managers in 210 UK organisations, which gives a snapshot of safety culture, health and safety priorities and training provision in 2022.
Safety culture clearly matters to businesses, half of the organisations we surveyed rated “Influencing health and safety culture and behaviour” as one of their organisation’s most important EHS training priorities in the next 12 months.
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Getting it right – Safety culture, health and safety priorities and training provision
This paper reveals the findings of a survey of EHS specialists which gives a snapshot of safety culture, health and safety priorities and training provision in 2022.
Safety & Health Practitioner
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