Free online guides for door and hardware industry

The entire library of codes of practice and best practice guides for the door and hardware industry are now available for free download from the Door and Hardware Federation (DHF) website.
The DHF believes the library will be of great interest to specifiers, customers, and end users who want access to industry news, resources and specialist advice. Until now many of the guides and technical documents have only been available for download for a fee. The Federation hopes that allowing these resources to be downloaded for free will make them available to a wider audience.
The DHF’s membership is comprised from a variety of industry sectors including industrial and commercial doors and shutters. garage doors, building hardware, and architectural ironmongery. The library includes a range of technical publications, specification guides, codes of practice, quality assurance, and business integrity.
The current most downloaded guides are:
- Best Practice Guide to Restraining Roller Shutter Door Barrels;
- Code of Practice for Fire Resisting Rolling Shutters;
- Guidance on Approved Document M;
- Best Practice Guide to the Verification of Fire Resisting Rolling Shutters; and
- Best Practice Guide to Power Operated Industrial Doors.
DHF chairman Bob Perry said: “The DHF site has always been a popular resource for specifiers and contractors. Now that the decision has been taken to no longer charge for our specialist guides, more than 2,000 documents a month are being downloaded.”
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Free online guides for door and hardware industry
The entire library of codes of practice and best practice guides for the door and hardware industry are now available for free download from the Door and Hardware Federation (DHF) website.
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