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July 3, 2015

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CSCS smartcards employed to increase efficiency


CSCS McGeeAs part of a drive to increase efficiency and improve safety by developing bespoke mobile applications to simplify time consuming paper based processes, McGee – broad based construction company and multi-disciplined specialist contractor – is using CSCS smartcards to automate checking and recording workers’ identity, qualifications and training.

McGee Group is using android phones and tablets to scan CSCS smartcards both to check that the cards are valid and store the information held on the cards in its cloud-based database. Being cloud-based means that authorised site managers and administrators across McGee’s operations may access the information held to verify workers’ records and confirm that they have the correct qualifications to carry out their work on site, the company has said.

Director John McGee says: “Recording workers details in this way means that we can eradicate a great deal of form filling and multiple inputs to databases. Just reading a worker’s CSCS smartcard means that their record is not only accurately captured within seconds but that it’s available wherever and whenever authorised users need it.”

This is one of a series of bespoke mobile applications developed for McGee in partnership with Mobilengine, which specialises in creating apps that mimic companies’ business processes in order to improve them.

CSCS chief executive Graham Wren says: “Companies like McGee are adding to the growing list of organisations using the technology embedded in CSCS smartcards. McGee can now be confident that everyone on site has the correct qualifications for the job they do. The technology really is simple and cost effective and it’s great to see McGee benefiting from improved productivity and safety on its construction sites.”

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