3M launches E-A-Rfit Dual-Ear Validation System
Science-based technology company 3M, has officially launched its unique 3M E-A-Rfit Dual-Ear Validation System, which is making significant leaps in the field-testing of hearing protection.
Understanding that every employee, job and ear is different, the solution has been designed to individually assess the Personal Attenuation Rating (PAR) of each worker to help employers reach compliance and have assurance that the hearing protection equipment (HPE) is doing its job.
As HPE is so individual to the user, how they insert it can make a massive difference to the level of protection being offered and it is often the case that workers are not as protected as they believe to be – which potentially exposes them to the risk of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
The 3M system works by measuring the effectiveness of earplugs and earmuffs from inside the employee’s ear, to help identify which HPE suits them best, testing both ears at the same time to provide accurate, quantitative results.
The newly launched product, which was highly commended by the British Safety Industry Federation, uses seven different frequencies to test both ears for noise reduction from hearing protection. Results are measured directly and objectively, meaning there is no need for employees to listen or respond to test signals.
The launch follows 3M’s focus on raising awareness about the damaging impact of NIHL. While the condition is 100 per cent preventable, it cannot be cured, so the company has been trying to help employers ensure their workforce is protected.
Simon Field, technical specialist at 3M, said: “There has never before been a reliable way of working out the level of protection a person is getting from their HPE, particularly as everyone is different and hearing protection is very individual to the user. However, this has exposed them to risk because people often don’t recognise the damage created by loud noises until it is too late.
“The 3M E-A-Rfit Dual-Ear Validation System is set to change all that. For the first time, there is a product on the market that can give an employer complete confidence that the HPE is working. By easily establishing the PAR of every employee, an employer can tailor the solutions for their workers and offer them any education they need about the protection.”
To find out more about 3M’s E-A-Rfit Dual-Ear Validation System visit www.3M.co.uk/earfitvalidation
3M launches E-A-Rfit Dual-Ear Validation System
Science-based technology company 3M, has officially launched its unique 3M E-A-Rfit Dual-Ear Validation System, which is making significant leaps in the
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