
Author Bio ▼

Jamie Hailstone is a freelance journalist and author, who has also contributed to numerous national business titles including Utility Week, the Municipal Journal, Environment Journal and consumer titles such as Classic Rock.
May 3, 2018

New wearable tech app launched to help offshore workers

The software company Eigen has launched a new app, designed to give offshore oil and gas workers real time access to information through wearable devices.

Wearable TechThe new system has been developed with Lundin Norway and is designed to give offshore workers easy and fast access to operational information from headsets or helmets with a visor interface.

Using special image processing technology or by quickly entering search terms, workers will be able to automatically identify and display equipment parameters, maintenance history and any alerts or alarms that have been generated recently.

The new app is built on Eigen’s Ingenuity platform, which provides contextual linking on top of existing systems and has been designed to run on Android-based wearables.

It will be tested shortly on the Norwegian Continental Shelf shortly and go into full production in June.

“This new technology solution enables digital working offshore, making critical information available in real-time to those who need to use it,” said Eigen Chief Executive, Murray Callander.

“The technology is a prime example of our approach of rapid evolution of operational capability enabled with industry 4.0 technologies.

“The Ingenuity platform enables the speed of innovation and solutions required to rapidly evolve and deliver new capabilities. This demonstrates the value of our platform technology, combined with an approach to making incremental investment based on business cases that deliver value at each step.”

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4 years ago

Also gives tones per minute of CO2 and CH4 they produce.