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February 24, 2010

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Noise measurement- QuietDose

Howard Leight by Sperian has introduced QuietDose, described as the only personal dosimeter that measures and records a worker’s actual in-ear exposure to noise over an entire work shift.

The company’s Paul Barker explains: “Existing noise measurement devices only sample ambient sound. This shortcoming forces employers to estimate workplace noise levels and base hearing protection on potentially faulty conclusions, which can end up wasting money, risking regulatory violations, and endangering employee hearing. By contrast, the QuietDose personal dosimeter measures the actual noise levels reaching a worker’s eardrums, in real-time, over an entire work day. It provides safety managers with an unprecedented level of personalised data to create the most customised, and effective hearing conservation programmes for each worker.”

The QuietDose system consists of: a small Exposure Smart Protector (ESP) dosimeter, which is worn in a shirt pocket or on the back of a hardhat; special earplugs or an earmuff with integrated microphones that record real-time in-ear noise levels; and a connecting harness. Workers themselves can also personally monitor and control their noise exposure in real time.

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