Two people dead following walkway collapse in Italy

A pedestrian walkway has collapsed at a residents’ block in Naples, killing two people and injuring 13.

The two victims – a 29-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman – died when the walkway partially collapsed at the housing estate in Scampia, in Southern Italy.

The incident took place overnight with firefighters working to evacuate approximately 800 residents. Those injured were taken to the Santobono hospital in Naples, where two of are in a serious condition. Seven children were among those hurt in the collapse.

Prosecutors in Naples have began in investigation into the cause of the incident

Le Vele (the sails) is part of a housing complex  (Le Vele di Scampia) consisting of four sail-shaped blocks built between 1965 and 1980. A neighbourhood of extreme poverty, Le Vale was the last of the blocks scheduled for demolition with residents currently awaiting rehousing as part of the ReStart Scampia project.

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