Head Of Training, The Healthy Work Company

August 8, 2016

Sports: Cycling leaders crash on same “treacherous” descent

Former Olympic individual pursuit champion Chris Boardman has stated that the course, where both the women and men’s leaders crashed at the Rio Olympics, was unsafe.

“I am past commenting – I am angry about it,” Mr Boardman told the BBC.

“I went down and had a look at the course and saw those edges. We knew it was way past being technical; it was dangerous. The people who designed the course and said what safety features were needed had seen it as well and left it.

“We knew the descent was treacherous. I looked at that road furniture and thought, nobody can crash here and just get up. It is really bad and that is what we have seen today.”

Dutch rider Annemiek van Vleuten came off her bike on a sharp turn while travelling at speed down the Vista Chinesa descent on Sunday. She was diagnosed as having severe concussion and three small fractures in her lower back and was admitted to intensive care for 24 hours. Cycling’s governing body, the International Cycling Union, said she “continues to be under examination” but has “no serious medical problem”.

On Saturday, Italy’s Vincenzo Nibali broke a collar bone when he crashed on the same descent while leading the men’s race.

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Niel, former but not famous racing cyclist.
Niel, former but not famous racing cyclist.
8 years ago

“Former Olympic individual pursuit champion Chris Boardman”.

Chris has ridden road races, he knows about competitors pushing the limits, now he’s changed tack and wants competitors ‘bubble wrapped’, and road cyclists to always be ‘in the right’ even when they cause an RTI, by overturning being innocent until proven guilty for other road users.

If the riders crashed it’s down to them pushing too hard, that’s competition in the raw and I’ve seen worse in open road cycle races in the UK. Watch the TDF mountain descents, or the Hardknot pass mass descent!

Peter Maidment
Peter Maidment
8 years ago

I think the criticism from Chris Boardman is a little bit rick considering he stated in 2015 “That is why I won’t promote high vis and helmets,” he said. “I won’t let the debate be drawn onto a topic that isn’t even in the top 10 things that will really keep people who want to cycle safe.” I saw the footage of the crash as it happened and i am certain that the riders injuries would have been far worse had she not have been wearing a helmet. I am a cyclist and i always wear my helmet and would… Read more »

8 years ago

And this from the guy who doesnt wear a helmet when cycling. November 2014. Why give him air time,

8 years ago

As Chris Boardman saw this prior to the race and had concerns then, did he raise those concerns? were they unheard? or is this blind eye syndrome and he is now only speaking up after the event?

Darragh Gannon
Darragh Gannon
8 years ago

The descent on this course was absolutely treacherous. Had the weather conditions been worse or road surface have been worse the number of injuries would have been a lot greater. More thought should have went into course design and selection during the organisation stage of the tournament.

steve paul
steve paul
8 years ago

it is really only relevant to lycra clad luvvies