School safety event highlights the dangers of construction sites
Pupils at a primary school in Glasgow dressed up in construction safety gear during a special health and safety event to highlight risks of playing on construction sites.
The event was organised by city-based affordable housing developer and regeneration specialist Lovell. The company’s health and safety advisor, Calum McKay, visited Barmulloch Primary School as part of the firm’s ongoing safety campaign to help children stay safe by ensuring they understand that construction sites should never be treated as playgrounds.
The children had the chance to learn about the potential dangers of construction activity, with some youngsters dressing up in safety clothing and equipment worn on construction sites such as high-visibility clothing, protective goggles and gloves. Pupils were also shown a special film from the HSE, which showed what happens when three children play on a construction site.
Barmulloch Primary head teacher Mairi Slessor said: “The children really enjoyed the visit from Lovell. The talk and film really helped in a fun way to put across the serious message of the hidden dangers on a construction site. The event also tied in very well with our curricular programme on safety. The dressing up in high-visibility clothing, protective goggles and gloves not only endorsed the safety measures but also provided some light hearted fun.”
McKay added: “Activities like this are fun for the children and help them understand the very important message that they should never play on construction sites. We visit local schools in the areas where we work as part of our commitment to raising safety awareness among children and young people.”
School safety event highlights the dangers of construction sites
Pupils at a primary school in Glasgow dressed up in construction safety gear during a special health and safety event to highlight risks of playing on construction sites.
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