Head Of Training, The Healthy Work Company

January 11, 2016

ISO 45001 Draft International Standard made available

The long-awaited Draft International Standard (DIS) of ISO 45001 is now available. The standard, which is due to be completed and published in October, will replace BS OHSAS 18001 and have a greater emphasis on leadership, worker involvement, context and documented information.

It will be the first internationally-agreed health and safety management systems standard to apply to organisations across the world.

Standards like ISO 45001 are developed to help organisations manage their processes and risks in a systematic and consistent way.

Reaching the DIS stage means the general public are being consulted about the standard for the first time. It is also the final opportunity for OSH professionals to comment on it.

Richard Jones, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at IOSH, said: “It’s fantastic that we’ve reached the advanced drafting stage of this important health and safety management systems standard and that everyone has a chance to see it and comment.

“This keeps the standard’s development timetable on track and represents the fruition of over two years of IOSH close involvement in this international collaborative project.”

IOSH has played a major part in the development of the standard as it has Category A Liaison body status on the project committee (PC 283). This means it has had direct access to all PC 283 papers and attended the committee meetings, participated in work groups and been consulted on developments.

Richard added: “IOSH is delighted to be an ISO Category A Liaison body and to have been able to draw on members’ expertise from across the globe during the development of ISO 45001.”

IOSH members are now invited to send any comments on the DIS, by 4 March 2016 (on the template provided on the link below) to help inform the IOSH submissions to both BSI HS/1 Committee for the UK response and, as a Category A Liaison, also directly to ISO.

Find out more about submitting comments to IOSH here.

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