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February 25, 2014

Helicopters to be banned from flying in severe conditions following review

Helicopters will be prohibited from flying in the most severe sea conditions, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced following a review of offshore helicopter operations.
The review, launched in the wake of the Super Puma helicopter crash in August 2013, was conducted alongside the Norwegian CAA and the European Aviation Safety Agency.
Since 2009, there have been five crashes involving offshore helicopter transfers in the UK Continental Shelf, with a total of 20 fatalities.
As a result of the review, the CAA has announced a series of measures to increase the safety of offshore helicopter flights. These include:
€ᄁ stopping helicopter flights in the most severe sea conditions so that the chance of a ditched helicopter capsizing is reduced and a rescue can be carried out safely;
€ᄁ pending further safety improvements to helicopters, passengers will only be able to fly if they are seated next to an emergency window exit — unless the helicopters are fitted with extra flotation devices or passengers are provided with better emergency breathing systems;
€ᄁ requiring all passengers to have better emergency breathing equipment to increase underwater survival time unless the helicopter is equipped with side floats; and
€ᄁ instigating a size limit for passengers on offshore flights.
Before these changes are implemented, the CAA is expecting helicopter operators to make improvements to helicopters and survival equipment including:
€ᄁ fitting side floats;
€ᄁ implementing automatic flotation equipment;
€ᄁ adding hand holds next to push out windows; and
€ᄁ improvement to life rafts and life jackets.
Dame Deirdre Hutton, Chair of CCA, said: “The safety of those who rely on offshore helicopter flights is our absolute priority. The steps we are announcing today [20 February] will result in significant improvements in safety for those flying to and from offshore sites in the UK and potentially worldwide.
“We expect helicopter operators, the oil and gas industry and EASA to move forward with recommendations to them as soon as possible. For our part, the CAA is already taking forward actions directly under our control. We will monitor and report regularly on progress, so that people can have confidence that these important changes are being implemented as quickly as possible.”
Unite has welcomed the measures, adding that the report represents a step forward in the campaign for offshore helicopter safety reform.
John Taylor, Unite regional industrial officer, said: “The CAA report recognises the crisis in confidence surrounding the safety of offshore helicopter transfers and puts forward a number of interventions and recommendations that workers will tentatively welcome.
“However, the fact remains that the CAA cannot enforce its full raft of recommendations on the helicopter operators and the wider offshore industry, serving only to strengthen calls for a full public inquiry into helicopter safety that can help bring about the wider safety reforms that are undoubtedly needed.”

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