Free information – miscellaneous

Free information materials on a range of health and safety-related subjects are now available from a variety of suppliers.
Clifford Devlin has produced a 24-page, A5 booklet outlining who is responsible for managing asbestos in non-domestic premises, and what those responsibilities are. The illustrated publication describes where absestos is commonly found and how to identify it. It also explains the legal framework, contains recent case studies, and provides a step-by-step guide for duty-holders on what to do if asbestos is found on their premises. The booklet can be ordered in hard-copy format, or downloaded as a pdf from
Facelift Access Hire is offering a full-colour safety poster designed to be a constant and professional reminder of how to work safely at height. It incorporates the eight key elements employers and employees need to consider when setting up their access machinery. Facelift says simple display pictures and short, sharp instructions really get the message across, making it ideal for use in site offices and elsewhere. To download the poster visit and use the health and safety navigation button on the left of the page, or email the training department at [email protected]
The Irish Health and Safety Authority has launched a publication to help employers ensure their workplaces are healthy and safe for employees with disabilities. It contains practical advice on accommodating disability, how to ensure an inclusive health and safety policy, safe evacuation of employees with disabilities, and a range of case studies. An employer’s guide to implementing inclusive health and safety practices for employees with disabilities can be downloaded from
NCEC, the UK’s national response unit for chemical emergencies, has released an online version of the Dangerous Goods Emergency Action Code List 2009, published by The Stationery Office. NCEC was commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government to edit this publication, outlining the application of Hazchem Emergency Actions Codes (EACs) in Britain. The EAC list, which comes into force on 1 July, is an essential compliance document for all emergency services, local government, and those who control the planning for, and prevention of, emergencies involving dangerous goods. Download it from
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Free information – miscellaneous
Free information materials on a range of health and safety-related subjects are now available from a variety of suppliers. <br><br>
Safety & Health Practitioner
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