September 13, 2022

EHS Congress

EHS Congress – ‘One percent safer will be wonderful’

Blinded by a workplace accident, Ken Woodward, tells his remarkable story to the EHS Congress audience.

In 1990, Ken Woodward lost his sight while handling chemicals at Coca-Cola Schweppes. He now talks about his experience to workplaces, “demanding” greater safety buy-in.

“I investigated the loss of my eyes,” Woodward said speaking from his home in the UK, “The sytems failed, management failed and the regulations failed.”

As a contributor to the book One Percent Safer, a collection of 142 suggestions to ultimately cut the global occupational fatality rate, Woodward explains that he continues to push this message.

“Just one percent more can make the consequences of our actions wonderful and cost-effect…and we need everybody’s help to to do it.”

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