Dairy removes milk crates from playground for safety reasons
Children at a primary school in Oxfordshire have been banned from playing with milk crates because of health and safety fears.
The Oxford Mail reported on 22 August that children at Wychwood Primary School, in Chipping Norton, have entertained themselves for more than 15 years with crates given to them by the local milkman. But the school was shocked to learn that Daily Crest had removed the crates from the playground because of that a child might get injured.
The school’s foundation stage leader, Anne Bardsley, is angered by the decision and said the children are very upset. She explained: “In all the time we have had the crates, we have not had a single child hurt themselves. The children absolutely loved them. They used to make castles, ships and cars out of them, and would put blankets over them to make dens.
“Dairy Crest has got no right to make judgements of health and safety on my risk management. It is absolutely outrageous.” €
Dairy removes milk crates from playground for safety reasons
Children at a primary school in Oxfordshire have been banned from playing with milk crates because of health and safety fears.
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