Consultants’ register now up and running
The online consultants’ register launched at the end of January is now live to search, following sign-up by more than 1600 health and safety professionals.
Making the announcement on the same day as he confirmed that there is to be less enforcement of health and safety across British business, Safety minister Chris Grayling said the online directory would make it “easier for employers to access reliable, reputable advice” on health and safety compliance.
According to the HSE, which is currently administering the new scheme, more than 1600 “highly-qualified consultants” in the UK have signed up to the online Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR). The Executive added that it has been created “to increase employers’ confidence that they are receiving good-quality, proportionate health and safety advice should they need external help”.€
Consultants’ register now up and running
The online consultants' register launched at the end of January is now live to search, following sign-up by more than 1600 health and safety professionals.
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