CHIP consultation
The HSE is seeking comment on the proposed amendments to the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 (CHIP).
The amendments are necessary because Great Britain must implement into national legislation EC Directive 2006/8/EC – commonly known as the 2nd Adaptation to Technical Progress of the Dangerous Preparations Directive (the 2nd ATP of the DPD).
The 2nd ATP makes changes to three of the annexes in the DPD.
The changes will result in some chemical suppliers having to:
• re-classify certain chemicals;
• change some product labels; and,
• change the information provided on the safety data sheets (SDS) of certain products.
As a result of some of the changes, suppliers may need to take account of any large quantities of newly re-classified chemicals they have stored on site at any one time, to ensure that they comply with the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (as amended).
The proposed amendments also clarify and make the specified warning phrases on labels for certain preparations more consistent.
In addition to the changes to CHIP, the consultation document outlines several minor editorial changes to clarify existing requirements and correct errors, which do not alter the existing requirements.
The HSE is also seeking views on whether, in the future, to continue to update and republish paper copies of the HSE’s Approved Supply List (ASL) given that the EC now has easily searchable and up-to-date electronic databases available on the Internet. The ASL lists all the harmonised classifications and labelling requirements agreed at EU level.
The UK had to implement the 2nd ATP into domestic legislation by 1 March 2007. However, because of technical difficulties (described in the consultation document), this was not possible. The need to implement, however, is now urgent. The HSE is proposing an implementation date of 1 October 2008, in order to align with the Government’s common commencement date for domestic regulations.
Comments should be sent, to arrive no later than 4 July 2008, to:
Paul Howarth
International Chemicals Unit
Health and Safety Executive
9th Floor South Wing
Rose Court
2 Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HS
tel: 020 7717 6937
e-mail: [email protected]
Consultation document CD217 is available online from the link below.
See also Mark Blainey’s feature on the harmonisation of chemical labels and packaging from SHP, November 2007.
CHIP consultation
The HSE is seeking comment on the proposed amendments to the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 (CHIP).
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