Time to Talk
Time to Talk: ‘I have mental health’
As part of its ‘Time to Talk’ Strategy, Thames Water has released a video starring employees working in the many roles within the company stating ‘I have mental health’. The aim of the film is to continue to push the understanding of everyone as to what the words ‘mental health’ actually mean.
The video focuses on the word ‘health’ and aims to help remove the stigma around mental health, by saying ‘it’s time to talk‘.
In the short film, Karl Simons, Chief Health, Safety & Security Officer at Thames Water says: “We all have mental health. The same way we all have physical health.
“Our mental health is a state of how we are feeling.”
He goes on to say that: “The ups and down of life can, at times, prove challenging for us all.”
“What’s important”, Karl concludes, “is that we take time to talk, or time to listen”.
Watch the full video here:
Time to Talk: ‘I have mental health’
As part of its ‘Time to Talk’ Strategy, Thames Water has released a video starring employees working in the many roles within the company, to continue to push the understanding of everyone as to what the words ‘mental health’ actually mean.
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