Editor, UBM

May 7, 2017

Quiz – Mental Health in the Workplace

  • Work-related stress, depression or anxiety is defined as a harmful reaction people have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work [HSE].The latest estimates from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) show that the total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2014/15 was 440,000 cases, and the total number of working days lost due to this condition in that period was 9.9 million days. This equated to an average of 23 days lost per case.Mental health problems cost UK employers some £30 billion a year through lost production, recruitment and absence. So ignoring mental health in the workplace doesn't make good business sense.This quiz is based on information that can be found in the Barbour suite of resources under the topic ‘Mental Health in the Workplace’.By answering the questions below, practitioners can award themselves CPD credits. One, two or three credits can be awarded, depending on what has been learnt – exactly how many you award yourself is up to you, once you have reflected and taken part in the quizPlease note:  There may be more than one correct answer to a question, and further reading may be required to correctly answer the questions.

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.


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Frank Hayes
Frank Hayes
8 years ago

WoW Roz I only achieved 5 out of 10. Makes you think eh.

Have a good day

Kindest regards

Frank W Hayes

8 years ago

Only managed 5 out of 10,

Siobhan Ford
Siobhan Ford
8 years ago

Q3 doesn’t really explain immediate discrimination nor why this is not prohibited conduct?

Sheri Suckling
Sheri Suckling
7 years ago

I’m happy with 7 out of 10, considering I live and work in New Zealand, with different legislation for safety, employment relations and human rights – most of these requirements seem like common sense.

Mohammed Mudhasir
Mohammed Mudhasir
7 years ago

Even i got 5 out 10, But I’m confused with the 3rd question……..

Julie Brown
Julie Brown
7 years ago

I didn’t understand some questions but definitely makes you think we all need to do more to prevent the suffering!

7 years ago

It makes me realize that further reading is needed on this subject – 6 out of 10. That is why these quizzes are so essential.



Scott Maitland
Scott Maitland
7 years ago

Where’s the quiz?

7 years ago

Where’s the quiz?

dave hazell
dave hazell
7 years ago

I got 9/23 on a 10 question quiz, knowing that all the options for Q.5 were incorrect. I’m stressed as a result …

Ian Dunsford
Ian Dunsford
7 years ago

My mark (8) is out of 23, but everybody else’s is out of 10. What gives?

B Inglis
B Inglis
7 years ago
Reply to  Sheri Suckling

They have H&S in New Zealand ? Wow, must be new, cos there was nothing when I lived there in 2006 !!!!!

B Inglis
B Inglis
7 years ago
Reply to  Scott Maitland

If you cant find it you have failed…..

B Inglis
B Inglis
7 years ago
Reply to  Simon

If you cant find it you’ve failed…

7 years ago

How can I have got 6 out of 23 when only 10 questions? Plus 2 of the answers sent had no actual answer attached! School report for myself and this quiz – could do better!

7 years ago

8 out of 23, i only saw ten questions so reasonably happy with that, will follow up.

Tom Berry
Tom Berry
7 years ago

I was told that I scored 8 out of 23, and that the correct answers would be sent by email. I was sent 10 ‘answers’ but 7 and 9 were just a repeat of the question.

7 years ago

9 out of 10, happy with that!

7 years ago

Mannn I’m shockingly bad at this I only managed to get 3 out of ten, I completed this twice changing all my answers and still only got 3. Back to the drawing board I think.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sheri Suckling

I managed 7/10 and agree – seemed very much like common sense.

Alex Howard
Alex Howard
7 years ago

OK, 8 out of 10 so, I’m pleased with my level of knowledge. I’ll find out which twoI got wrong when I open my emails.
I’m not sure of what others do but, generally, the higher the score I get on these, the less CPD points I claim. After all, if I get 10/10, I haven’t really learned anything have I?

7 years ago

6 out of 10 not bad I supose

7 years ago

8 out of 10. Still disappointing

David Lloyd
David Lloyd
7 years ago

9/10 🙂

Antony Strudwick
Antony Strudwick
7 years ago

Got 7/10.
The answer sheet seems to be missing some of the answers and is just repeating the question.

7 years ago

7 out of 10. Respectable!

David Lloyd
David Lloyd
7 years ago

9-10 (comes from working in education in a previous life)

Nigel Dupree
Nigel Dupree
7 years ago

Shocked as confident would be a breeze so will be interesting to see the gaps in my knowledge of a subject I have specialised in for years as a dyslexic DSE user operator suffering from Asthenopia.

7 years ago

6 out of ten, reasonable (ish)

Y. Bharat Kumar
Y. Bharat Kumar
6 years ago

Got 5 out of 10, I’m not satisfied with the result…I need to work on it.. I need to improve

shani davies
shani davies
6 years ago

7 out of 10 for me, good preparation for mental health week next month

5 years ago

Im top of the class, all correct- common sense approach

Philip Kelly
Philip Kelly
5 years ago

Surprisingly I got 8/10! Health and Safety is my primary occupational focus and I try to consider staff welfare risk assessment could include mental health issues, but I was surprised that I knew more than I thought!