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July 7, 2010

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Lone-worker smartphone application – Identicom mobile

The new ‘Identicom® mobile’ from Connexion2 is said to allow a user to access much of the functionality available on the Identicom lone-worker device (LWD) but on a BlackBerry® smartphone. Described as easy to install via a BlackBerry through a simple application download, the Identicom mobile solution allows a user to obtain the necessary help if they become a victim of verbal abuse, or physical attack.

According to Connexion2, the mobile affords a lone worker many of the benefits of the Identicom LWD, but specifically caters for those who face infrequent social risk. The software uses the same function terms as Identicom, such as ‘amber alert’ and ‘red alert’, providing ease of use across a range of workers who might be using a mix of dedicated and non-dedicated units. The mobile also allows the user to automatically open a ‘red alert’ through a single BlackBerry key, even when the key lock is deployed, adds Connexion2.

Although the Identicom mobile is available as a standalone product, it can also be integrated with Connexion2’s new Online Tracking Application, which is said to provide managers of lone workers with detailed location-tracking data.

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