Safety expert blames ‘macho culture’ for industry accidents
A leading process safety expert and author has cited industry’s ‘macho culture’ as one of the main causes of health and safety lapses.€
Safety expert blames ‘macho culture’ for industry accidents
A leading process safety expert and author has cited industry's 'macho culture' as one of the main causes of health and safety lapses.
Safety & Health Practitioner
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“also originate at the bottom” There we have it – Good people management is based on gaining and giving respect! Leading process safety expert, umm’m.
Whilst agreeing that a ‘macho culture’ plays a significant part in many industrial accidents, I do not feel it is the whole story.
Many managers are happy to turn a blind eye to procedural (Risk Assessment) problems when a worker is faced with difficulties and will happily let employees and contractors use their own discretion when they do not have a solution themselves.