Pulsating property predictions
There are three main reasons why there may be a need to measure vibration during construction works:
• to ensure that levels of vibration do not cause damage to property;
• to prevent annoyance to people by maintaining the lowest possible levels; and
• to demonstrate compliance.
Parts 1 and 2 of BS 6472:2008 provide guidance on human response to building vibrations that can be detected by occupants.
BS 6472-1:2008 is concerned with predicting human response to vibration in buildings over the frequency range 0.5Hz to 80Hz. BS 6472-2:2008 gives guidance on human exposure to blast-induced vibration in buildings, and is primarily applicable to blasting associated with mineral extraction.
For more on these guides, go to: www.bsigroup.com/bs6472-1 and www.bsigroup.com/bs6472-2, respectively.
Pulsating property predictions
BSI British Standards has published revised guides to the evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings.
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