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June 16, 2011

Protection pointers for property professionals

Aimed at ensuring consistency in approach to health and safety procedures across the construction sector, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has launched new guidance for property professionals.

Called Surveying safely, the guidance is broad in scope and identifies the practical, moral and ethical issues that confront property companies and individual professionals.

Content includes: employers’, employees’ and corporate legislative health and safety duties; assessment of hazards and risks; a safe workplace; occupational-health concerns; visiting premises and sites; and procurement and management of contractors and construction work.

The new guidance will be of benefit to RICS members, property professionals and organisations to help them deliver safe work environments and working practices.

Said RICS associate director, John Parsons: “Surveying safely is intended to prompt property organisations and property professionals to recognise and accept their responsibilities to manage and control health and safety-related risks. The guidance should prove to be an invaluable tool for all those operating in the construction sector.”

RICS members can download the guidance at:

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13 years ago

The publication by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) of GN74/2011 Surveying Safely is a major rewrite and extention of this long standing publication. Started as a leaflet and now extended into a full technical GN the document shows the important role that Chartered Surveyors have in creating a safe urban environment.

Minor negitive in that GN74 has lost the “Risk Mind Map” and in a future 2nd Edition I would encourage the return of this useful tool.