Petrol retailers join safety compliance initiative
Six leading petrol retailers with more than 600 UK filling stations between them have joined a red tape cutting scheme launched by the London and Fire Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA).
Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Shell, Motor Fuel Group, Snax 24 Ltd, and Park Garage Group have formed a primary authority partnerships with the LFEPA, which covers the inspection and enforcement of petroleum licences. Under the scheme the LFEPA will take responsibility for ensuring that petroleum legislation is enforced consistently at all filling stations in London. It will also provide advice from a single source for companies operating across two or more local councils and fire authorities.
The Local Better Regulation Office administers the scheme and it’s chairman Clive Grace commented: “London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority is demonstrating its willingness to lead the way in reducing the burden of administration on business while maintaining the safety of the public as its paramount concern.€ᄄ€ᄄ
“We hope that other fire authorities follow their lead. The need to ease the burden of red tape on business has never been more acute, and primary authority is a proven, successful method of doing that.”
Petrol retailers join safety compliance initiative
Six leading petrol retailers with more than 600 UK filling stations between them have joined a red tape cutting scheme launched by the London and Fire Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA).
Safety & Health Practitioner
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Do not hold your breath on this one! Let us see if the above mentioned groups will ensure full compliance to the DSEAR 2002 regulations regarding the making of hazardous zones. (Appendix 2 & 4).
Currently all local authorities, petroleum officers and comittees have invented their own local agreements to by pass this aspect of the regualtions; many staing that the required EX marking is not required for the public – What about all the personnel who work and maintain these sites?