HSE consults on sunbeds guidance
One area of concern outlined by the strategy is the use of cosmetic tanning salons – especially those that are unstaffed – and the risks to children and young people of excessive exposure to UV radiation. The revised guidance, Controlling the health risks from the use of UV tanning equipment, proposes that all tanning salons should be staffed, and calls on current World Health Organisation advice that under-18s should not use sunbeds.
In addition, the guidance outlines the main legal responsibilities of UV operators under the HSWA 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. It also provides information on the hazards associated with running UV tanning equipment; advice on conducting a risk assessment for equipment use; and guidance on how to safely operate equipment.
Under the wider strategy, the DoH is reviewing options for regulation of the industry and, as a first step, will collate more information about the number and distribution of sunbeds and the scale of their use by minors.
The consultation opened on 24 April, and closes on 17 July 2008.
Comments should be sent to:
Sarah Senior
7NW Rose Court
Southwark Bridge
London SE1 9HS
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HSE consults on sunbeds guidance
The HSE has published for consultation a revised version of its guidance on sunbeds. The consultation forms part of the Department of Health's (DoH) Cancer Reform Strategy, which was announced last December.
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