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Thanks for emailing the answer and background to each question, I found this very useful and learnt some new information.
Everyday is a learning curve. Nice little quiz caught me out on some of the questions. Worth a go?
Shame half questions are actually nothing to do with H&S.
The only H&S were on detail of sentencing guidelines – not relevant to most as
a) you have to be caught having already done something bad
b) you would presumably have a lawyer to deal with the sort of detail of the questions – and
c) it will all be too late by then as whatever it is has happened, and so knowing the ins & outs is completely academic.
(more than one answer may apply).
Thanks for the quiz. I am always striving to improve my knowledge.
Good quiz thankyou, my only comment being on 1 question, as I understand it ISO 45001 may not replace OHSAS 18001, are they not different awarding bodies (ISO and OHSAS), anyway, thanks, its always good to refresh your knowledge
Hi Carl, you’re right – it’s expected that most organisations will move across to the new standard as it has additional benefits. We’ll know more about whether it will be replacement later on in the month. I’ve updated the question and the answer to reflect this. Thanks, Roz
Very informative quiz. Leaning something new everyday. t
nice quiz. Learned a couple of things myself.
Thanks for the questions and answers emailed to me.