Guidance- Helping consultants advise on waste management

According to the APS, site waste-management plans can contribute to resource efficiency, sustainable design and construction, and a reduction in project costs.Entitled ‘Advising clients about site waste management’, the publication is aimed at consultants who are asked to advise and assist clients with meeting their obligations under the SWMPR. The guide will also be useful to designers and CDM coordinators, who are also often asked to act as SWMP client advisors.In England, the 2008 regulations are a legal requirement on construction projects costing more than £300,000, says the APS. It also points out that in Wales, similar regulations are likely to come into force in 2010, while in Scotland and Northern Ireland, SWMPs are seen as ‘best practice’ by both the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA).
The guide comes with a fully searchable CD-Rom copy and includes cross-references to other publications, such as ‘Designing out waste’ and the ‘Site Waste-Management Plan Toolkit’, both issued by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).‘Advising clients about site waste management’, priced at £34 for members and £44 for non-members, is available via the APS website at
Guidance- Helping consultants advise on waste management
The Association for Project Safety (APS) has published a best-practiceguide on the Site Waste Management Plans Regulations 2008 (SWMPR).
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