Guidance – Better regulation- Regulatory services can be the key to recovery

An advice and guidance document published last month by the Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO) highlights best-practice examples of how a range of regulatory issues, including workrelated ill health and fire safety, can all be tackled in ways that promote prosperity and protect against rogue traders. Better Local Regulation: Supporting Businesses Towards Recovery also demonstrates how regulatory services in these areas can play an important and sometimes under-estimated role in supporting businesses – and, in turn, consumers – through the recession and beyond.The document sets out how regulatory services are best placed to deliver four key approaches to moving towards recovery:
• Using direct relationships to signpost local businesses to appropriate support and guidance;
• Using face-to-face engagement to understand local businesses’ diverse issues and challenges and feeding this information into local economic assessments;
• Taking an intelligence-led approach to targeting activity on the particular opportunities and threats faced by local economies and communities; and
• Developing collaborative approaches that deliver shared local and national priorities.Recommended approaches to developing regulatory services include adopting a continuous improvement culture, maximising use of resources, and creating better outcomes through local, regional and national partnerships and greater collaboration.LBRO chairman Clive Grace (pictured) said: “Councils need to be active in adversity. Their leadership has been critical to developing local ways forward amidst the global crisis. Better regulation has an important part to play, supporting business and protecting communities. Local-authority regulatory services are often the most visible face of councils to the business community. Their advice and their focus on rogue traders benefits compliant businesses and their customers alike and are essential at a time when many are struggling.”
Guidance – Better regulation- Regulatory services can be the key to recovery
Local-authority regulatory services are being urged to deal with health, safety and environmental issues in ways that will help businesses cope with the current economic conditions and get on the road to recovery.
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