Energising safety for electrical operations
An important element of the guidelines is identification of the complete range of electrical operation, which applies to all phases in the life-cycle of an installation – from design to decommissioning – and all related activities and equipment. This will help ensure that important aspects are not overlooked when responsibilities are shared between owners, operators and contractors.
Robert Paterson, safety issues manager at Oil & Gas UK, said: “Electricity is a significant hazard, which can lead to serious injuries. Most injuries sustained from electrical operations, however, are preventable, and, hence, the new guidelines focus on the minimisation of risk and improving safety standards, so as to avoid any incidents.”
He added: “It is important that everyone involved in electrical operations – from workers through to supervisors and senior management – understand that this is an important safety matter, requiring personnel with appropriate levels of skill, experience and knowledge to ensure that electrical and electricity-related risks are minimised.”
The document, Guidelines for Management of Electrical Operations, is relevant to onshore terminals as well as mobile and fixed offshore installations. It costs £30 for Oil & Gas UK members, and £60 for non-members, and can be purchased at www.oilandgasuk.co.uk/ukooa/
Energising safety for electrical operations
Industry body Oil & Gas UK has launched a set of guidelines on the management of electrical operations, aimed at promoting good practice in managing risk associated with electrical operations.
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