Auditing software – coshhSMART
Following its launch at the Safety & Health Expo last month, coshhSMART is proving to be a huge success, says developer Sypol.
Aimed at small or large companies that have a limited requirement for COSHH assessments owing to the relatively small number of products used on site, coshhSMART is said to enable users to protect both the health of employees and the business while ensuring compliance with the COSHH Regulations.
Sypol explains that by using a simple assessment-request wizard, the system documents the required exposure scenario to help users to search the Sypol database for the product they are using, in the way that they are using it. If a match is obtained, the assessment is immediately available – otherwise, the request comes through toSypol’s consultants, who produce a new one.
The ‘My coshhSMART’ dashboard prompts the user when Sypol has altered or updated their assessments as legislation changes, ensuring that change is managed effectively and efficiently.
Sypol describes coshhSMART as the perfect solution for internal and external auditing, pointing out that users also have access to Sypol’s helpdesk and management reports within the software.
More information is available at
Auditing software – coshhSMART
Following its launch at the Safety & Health Expo last month, coshhSMART is proving to be a huge success, says developer Sypol.
Safety & Health Practitioner
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