Sickness absence- Well-being programme saves a bundle
East Sussex Council saved £1 million by reducing sickness rates among their workforce, thanks to a health and well-being programme.
Three years ago the absence rate among the council’s 15,000 plus staff was relatively high — over nine days per person per year. This cost the council approximately £7.5 million a year, and, at one point, there were 250 staff signed off on long-term sick leave.
The council wanted to tackle this high absence rate and promote themselves as a caring employer that looks after employees’ health and well-being.
To find out how it did this, download a copy of IOSH’s new guide ‘Working well’, which promotes a holistic, proactive approach to health and well-being issues at work.
You can download this and other free guides from the Information and tools section of the IOSH website,
Sickness absence- Well-being programme saves a bundle
East Sussex Council saved £1 million by reducing sickness rates among their workforce, thanks to a health and well-being programme. <br>
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