Healthcare group- Safety in your hands
The Healthcare Group held a networking event entitled ‘Safety in your hands’ on 6 November at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh.
Speakers at the event included: Bernard Warden of HSE Scotland, outlining the HSE strategy for the NHS; Dr Alastair Leckie of OHSAS, speaking about working for a healthier tomorrow; and Alf Chamings, of NHS Lothian, discussing respiratory protection and infection risks. Stirling University’s Dr Brodie Paterson spoke about violence prevention, while manual handling was the subject of the All-Wales Manual Handling Group’s Martin Thomas.
This was Patrick Keady’s (pictured) final event for the Healthcare Group as chair before moving to join the IOSH Board of Trustees, and he was given a thank you for his work for the Group. Presentations from the event are available to download from the Healthcare Group page on
Healthcare group- Safety in your hands
The Healthcare Group held a networking event entitled 'Safety in your hands' on 6 November at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh.
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