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February 6, 2006

Get fit for business

This year’s IOSH Conference will bring practitioners and the business community up to speed on all the need-to-know developments in health and safety.

IOSH 06 ‘Health and safety: fit for business’ has over 50 individual speaker sessions over 13 and 14 March on all of the hottest health, safety and environment topics.

Feedback from delegates at last year’s IOSH Conference has been considered in detail in this year’s programme, enabling you to tailor IOSH 06 to your own requirements more than ever before.

There are seven parallel session subject areas which run throughout the afternoon on both days, allowing you to decide which parts of the conference best meet your needs.

Top speakers

Of course, the IOSH Conference would not be the IOSH Conference without leading speakers from across the health and safety world and beyond. IOSH 06 will be opened by Lord Hunt of Kings Heath OBE, the minister responsible for health and safety at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Health and Safety Commissioner for professional bodies, Dr Sayeed Khan, will question whether there is a future for the health and safety profession, while Dr Bill Gunnyeon, chief medical advisor at the DWP will look at the challenges and opportunities presented by the government’s ‘Health, work and well-being strategy’.

The first day ends with a public debate on the conference theme, while day two kicks off with an opening address from new HSE chief executive, Geoffrey Podger, and presentations by Richard Stephenson, from Transport for London (TfL) and Douglas Cameron, from Hilton Group. Professor Nigel Nicholson, professor of organisational behaviour at the London Business School, will then close the conference in rousing fashion.

Booking options include:

* Full conference — priced £545 + VAT for IOSH members, £575 + VAT for POOSH members, SMEs and safety reps or £645 + VAT for non members.

* One day conference pass — priced £340 + VAT for IOSH members, £365 + VAT for POOSH members, SMEs and safety reps or £440 + VAT for non members.


Networking also plays a key part in the whole IOSH Conference experience, and each of the Institution’s Specialist Groups has its own stall in the exhibition hall where you can find out more and join up. Each SG will also be holding their own free networking meetings on key topics for their sector.

Visitors can attend the exhibition for free provided they have registered. By registering visitors will be able to see:

* The extensive exhibition — visit a showcase of over 100 leading health and safety products and services.

* Spotlight presentation theatres — receive essential updates and practical advice at these free show-floor theatres.

* Legal surgery — your opportunity to get free confidential advice from the experts.

* A dedicated ‘media zone’, where you can pick up information about exhibitor products, supporting association information and industry publications.

At the heart of the exhibition is the IOSH stand, where you can find out about the latest training products, ask about membership issues, buy the latest books and gifts or obtain technical guidance.

Check out the March issue of SHP for further details of IOSH 06.

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