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November 3, 2005

Don’t get lost in translation

‘Questioning performance: the director’s essential guide to health, safety and the environment’ — a new title published by IOSH — aims to help senior managers to understand and communicate with health and safety professionals.

For too long there has been a barrier between the board of directors and the health and safety professional, strengthened by use of technical jargon and what can seem like overwhelming legal demands.

This book provides a clear and concise guide to a director’s duties, enabling senior people to discharge their responsibilities and work effectively with health and safety practitioners.

The authors speak from direct experience. David Eves CB has more than 40 years’ experience in health and safety, including 13 years as deputy director-general of the HSE. The Rt Hon John Gummer was the UK’s longest-serving Secretary of State for the Environment and now runs a corporate responsibility consultancy.

David Eves, an honorary vice-president of IOSH, comments: “Directors may not be passionate about health, safety and the environment, and may not think of these issues as their top priority — but as individuals, along with their company, they’re legally liable for the consequences of failure to manage risks properly. The Corporate Manslaughter Act will at least add to senior people’s health and safety responsibilities.

“Engaging in meaningful dialogue with expert advisors can be tough. This book builds a bridge between directors and practitioners, helping directors develop effective and productive discussions with health, safety and environment practitioners, managers, trades union officials, safety reps and enforcers.”

Questioning performance is ideal as a support text for delegates on senior-level training courses, and works equally well as a follow-up resource to give or recommend to clients.

The new book is available at £35 from IOSH’s orderline, +44 (0)1787 249293. Alternatively, visit for further details.

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