Fire protection- Reflective-beam smoke detectors

More than 40 Fireray reflective-beam smoke detectors were recently installed in warehouses around Croatia by local installer, Produktronika d.o.o.
Wide-open indoor spaces like warehouses are particularly suited to the smoke-detection capabilities of beam detectors, which cover huge areas with few units, says Fire Fighting Enterprises (FFE).
In all, 12 Fireray 50R and 100R detectors have been installed throughout two furniture and carpentry warehouses; 17 F100R units are protecting a health-care and hygiene products distribution centre; and 12 100Rs are ready to detect unwanted smoke at a PPE site.
The Fireray 50R and 100R products are said to use a single combined transmitter and receiver unit to detect smoke over an area of up to 1500m2. The company believes the spacious interiors of warehouse-like structures make them perfect for beam detection. Visit to find out more.
Fire Safety in 2023 eBook
SHP's sister site, IFSEC Insider has released its annual Fire Safety Report for 2023, keeping you up to date with the biggest news and prosecution stories from around the industry.
Chapters include important updates such as the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 and an overview of the new British Standard for the digital management of fire safety information.
Plus, explore the growing risks of lithium-ion battery fires and hear from experts in disability evacuation and social housing.
Fire protection- Reflective-beam smoke detectors
More than 40 Fireray reflective-beam smoke detectors were recently installed in warehouses around Croatia by local installer, Produktronika d.o.o.
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