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May 22, 2024


New institute launched to advance global leadership in safety

A new Institute formed to address ‘the critical need for high impact leadership’ in workplace safety and health was launched today. 

CEDEP also known as The European Centre for Executive Development, a centre for executive education, presented the International Institute of Leadership & Safety Culture (IILSC) at a summit of business leaders and safety specialists in Berlin.

Dr. Andrew Sharman

Led by Chief Executive Officer Professor Dr Andrew Sharman, IILSC is a brand new division of CEDEP created to develop leadership skills in the vital field of safety and organizational culture. Specialist training, events, consultancy and research will give Institute members the skills, knowledge and understanding to ‘embrace an ever-changing world’, said CEDEP.

The creation of the Institute has been made possible by a combination of current CEDEP activity and the recent acquisition by CEDEP of consultancy firm RMS and EHS Congress, both founded and led by Dr. Sharman. Both firms focus on helping organisations to create a culture of sustainable safety performance and providing a venue for leaders to come together and exchange, said CEDEP.

Speaking at the launch during EHS Congress at the TV Tower on Alexanderplatz, Dr Sharman said: “Today, only high-impact leadership can create organizational cultures that care for and nurture people at work. IILSC makes this possible, enabling executives and safety & health specialists to meet, learn and grow as influential leaders in safety.

“Collectively, our aim is to transform organisations and elevate leaders and professionals who need to create these cultures of care. We want to harness the collective intelligence of the brightest minds in business and safety to shape the safety landscape for generations to come.”

“Much more must be done to create work cultures that care for people”

With a 50-year history in training leaders, CEDEP, based near Paris, is supported by many of the world’s best-known businesses and organisations, including L’Oréal, Renault Group and Tata Steel, employing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

Latest estimates released by the International Labour Organization (ILO) point to a rising human toll at work, with nearly three million people dying each year from work-related accidents and diseases and many millions more affected by life and career-threatening injuries and illness.

Global shocks, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and wars in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, have disrupted supply chains and forced significant change on businesses and organisations across every sector of industry. High impact leadership is vital, says CEDEP, to safeguard the safety and health of people at work during such times of uncertainty and change.

CEDEP Managing Director and Chairman of the Board Thomas Hinterseer said: “We live in an increasingly complicated, volatile and uncertain world that calls for business resilience. At the same time, the evidence is telling us that employers are failing to do enough to protect people at work.

“The Institute has been created because of the consensus that much more must be done to create work cultures that care for people. With IILSC, we will come together regularly and at a strategic level, using our collective intelligence to break ground in how we care for people at work and in the communities in which organizations operate.”

For more information about the International Institute of Leadership & Safety Culture, visit the website here.

New institute launched to advance global leadership in safety A new Institute formed to address ‘the critical need for high impact leadership’ in workplace safety and health was launched today. 
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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