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June 2, 2014

£100,000 fine for Stonyhurst College after stonemason develops lung disease

A historic private school in Clitheroe has been fined £100,000 with over £30,000 in costs over health and safety failings after one of its stonemasons developed a potentially fatal lung disease. An investigation by the HSE found that he and other stonemasons may have been exposed to more than 80 times the daily limit for silica dust.

The 55-year-old from West Derby, near Liverpool, who has asked not to be named, was employed by Stonyhurst College for almost 12 years where he was exposed to high levels of silica dust. He was diagnosed with silicosis, an irreversible and potentially fatal disease, in July 2011 — four months before being made redundant by the college.

An inspector from HSE said the man involved will suffer breathing difficulties for the rest of his life.

Stonyhurst was prosecuted by the HSE on 29 May at Preston Crown Court, where it was heard that the college employed the stonemason as a member of staff in June 1999 as the 200-year-old college buildings needed extensive repairs for wind and weather-proofing.

A second stonemason was employed in April 2005 and a third in January 2009 to help with a major project to build a new four-storey, sixth-form building.

The 21-month project required more than 400 tonnes of sandstone and the stonemasons spent their time working intensively with powered hand tools cutting, shaping, chiselling and finishing the sandstone.

The HSE investigation found Stonyhurst failed to take any measures to monitor or reduce the exposure of workers to silica dust, despite sandstone containing between 70 per cent and 90 per cent of crystalline silica.

The court heard that the college failed to recognise the risks and no equipment was used to remove, capture or supress the dust that was created by the use of the stonemasons’ tools.

Two of the stonemasons worked regularly in the college workshop, which had no windows and no way of extracting the sandstone dust despite an extraction system being fitted in the neighbouring joinery workshop in 2004.

Even after the college was notified that one of the stonemasons had developed silicosis in July 2011, it failed to take any action to monitor exposure levels until its two remaining stonemasons were made redundant in November 2011.

The stonemason with silicosis has suffered serious and irreversible health effects as a result of his exposure. He has a reduced lung function, suffers from breathlessness and can no longer continue with his profession.

Stonyhurst was fined £100,000 and ordered to pay £31,547.78 in prosecution costs after pleading guilty to breaching section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 by failing to ensure the health and safety of its employees.

Speaking after the hearing, HSE inspector Mike Mullen, said: “Stonyhurst directly employed stonemasons over a 12-year period but it failed to take any action to ensure its employees weren’t exposed to high levels of silica dust.

“During the construction of the sixth-form building, the work of the stonemasons intensified. We estimate that they were regularly exposed to silica dust at a level which was in excess of 80 times greater than the workplace exposure limit.

“There was no attempt by the college to assess and manage its workers’ exposure despite having their attention drawn to the risks by its own health and safety consultant in 2008.

“A worker who was previously very active now struggles to play outside with his grandchildren, and will suffer breathing difficulties for the rest of his life.

“Silicosis is irreversible and can be a fatal disease. It leads to an increased chance of suffering from lung cancer, tuberculosis, kidney disease and arthritis, and it’s therefore vital the risk from silica dust is taken seriously.”

What makes us susceptible to burnout?

In this episode  of the Safety & Health Podcast, ‘Burnout, stress and being human’, Heather Beach is joined by Stacy Thomson to discuss burnout, perfectionism and how to deal with burnout as an individual, as management and as an organisation.

We provide an insight on how to tackle burnout and why mental health is such a taboo subject, particularly in the workplace.

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Tony W
Tony W
10 years ago

This shocking disease has had much too little publicity. There should be a major campaign mounted to inform everyone of the dangers of silica dust.