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September 22, 2010

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Underwater rescue – SARbot rapid-response underwater-rescue system

Working in cooperation with industry leading companies Tritech International and Marine Simulation LLC, SeaBotix Inc. has developed the SARbot rapid-response underwater-rescue system.

According to SeaBotix, studies have shown that a person experiencing near drowning in water up to 21OC can be rescued, and, if done so within about 90 minutes, they stand a good chance of surviving without permanent damage to their vital organs. A problem, however, has been locating and rescuing victims in difficult conditions without furthering human risk.

SeaBotix was asked by Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service (DFRS) to develop a new ROV rescue system, which would operate in near zero visibility, in poor weather and strong currents, and be easy to operate. The result is a modified LBV system with high-definition Tritech Gemini 720i imaging sonar, limb-grasping manipulator, video enhancement, and a small, low-drag tether with a 100kg working load. In addition, the SARbot rescue system includes a new StarFish 990F side-scan sonar from Tritech International and a LBV training simulator by Marine Simulation.

Field trials with DFRS proved the ROV system can be set up and deployed in less than three minutes, providing rescue personnel with time to locate the victim.

For more information, e-mail: [email protected]

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