SHP State of the Industry Survey Results

- What does the average health and safety professional look like?
- What is the gender split in the profession?
- How much does the average manager earn?
- What are the key focuses for your peers in 2016?
In February this year, SHP ran its first State of the Industry survey to find out the answers to all these questions.
Over 1,200 people responded to the survey, allowing us to draw up a comprehensive picture of the state of the health and safety profession in 2016.
Download your copy of the SHP State of the Industry report to find out how much your peers earn, the top industry sectors and what the key challenges are for the profession in 2016.
Fill in the form to the right to download your copy.
SHP survey results: the average health and safety professional
In February this year, SHP ran its first State of the Industry survey to find out what the average health and safety professional looks like. Over 1,200 people responded to the survey, allowing us to draw up a comprehensive picture of the state of the health and safety profession in 2016. Download your copy of the SHP State of the Industry report to find out how much your peers earn, the top industry sectors and what the key challenges are for the profession in 2016.
Roz Sanderson
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources