This CPD quiz is based on the Vroom model of employee motivation

The Vroom model of motivation
Continuing professional development is the process by which OSH practitioners maintain, develop and improve their skills and knowledge. IOSH CPD is very flexible in its approach to the ways in which CPD can be accrued, and one way is by reflecting on what you have learnt from the information you receive in your professional magazine. By answering the questions below, practitioners can award themselves credits. One, two or three credits can be awarded, depending on what has been learnt – exactly how many you award yourself is up to you, once you have reflected and taken part in the quiz.
1 Which of the following is not a factor in an adaptation of the Vroom model of individual motivation?
a. Do I have the skills to do what has been requested competently?
b. What do you want me to do?
c. Why do you want me to do it?
d. What will happen if I don’t do it?
2 What would be an effective way of helping prevent back injuries?
a. Showing trainees a general DVD on manual handling
b. Telling trainees to be careful when they lift
c. Showing trainees the principles of kinetic lifting
d. Giving trainees examples of back injuries
3 Understanding why tasks have to be done is described in a previous article by Mei-Li-Lin as
a. Being ambidextrous
b. Operating efficiently
c. Operating effectively
d. Operating dexterity
4 We need to train employees to always be able to ask the question:
a. What am I trying to achieve with this task?
b. What will my supervisor say if I don’t achieve this task?
c. Can I get away with not doing this task?
d. What reward will I get if I do this task?
5 Research on ‘safety walk and talk’ tasks has shown that:
a. The greater the number of conversations undertaken, the greater the number of injuries
b. The greater the range of individuals involved, the greater the number of injuries
c. The greater the number of 100-per-cent safe reports, the greater the number of injuries
d. The greater the number of recurring issues, the fewer the number of injuries
6 Faced with a task they are wary of, most people will, if possible:
a. Avoid doing the task
b. Complain about doing the task
c. Openly refuse to do the task
d. Carry out the task anyway
7 The fourth factor in the adapted Vroom model of motivation is:
a. Will the training impress my supervisor/manager?
b. Do I value the outcome of the training?
c. Will I earn a bonus from undertaking the training?
d. What exactly do I have to do as a result of the training?
8 Formal appraisals of employees should include:
a. Safety being mentioned somewhere in the process
b. Focusing exclusively on safety
c. Focusing only on events where safety requirements weren’t complied with
d. Giving safety items the same weight as productivity items
9 Training experts maintain that we achieve a basic mastery of behaviour by practising it:
a. At least twice
b. More than a hundred times
c. About thirty times
d. At least half a dozen times
10 Effective training is achieved by:
a. Listening to inspirational speakers
b. Being taught what to do, why and how
c. Being told what to do, and what will happen if it’s not done
d. Being given detailed instructions
1 d
2 c
3 d
4 a
5 c
6 a
7 b
8 d
9 c
10 b
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Excellet article Tim.
Yes! Training is a waste of time effort & money if it isn’t fully utillised!
How did we get to the point where we can have a lovely set of stats – everyone signed onto the safety training & TBT’s but the curve stiil goes up?
We have to actually do what we say we’re going to do to get results! Get out & walk around, observe & be seen, talk to people, ask the 5 why’s, discuss, explain why? Use empathy & effectve coaching to deal with issues, that’s what really works!
Max. Y’know what I like about this forum? I’m not the only one who has these issues!
How much does it cost after an accident to do a 2hr ‘safety stand down’ of the 600+ people on a site that costs over £1/2millon a day to run? Compare that to the cost of 10 people on a safety critical course for 6hrs!
Ironically; the better we do our job, the less we are perceived as doing. – enter the crap lists to ‘fill our time and justify our ongoing cost to the client!
I generally found the article useful for my role. some of the links to the 70s sitcom, The Likely Lads were tentative but overall the message made sense. I have come from the Nuclear safety culture which does focus very much on behavioural safety and doing the right thing when no-one is looking.the tours are made easier due to the fact that everybody receives the same training, from station director to shop floor.
as a safety trainer myself I have been inspired by the contents of this items and many of the analogies riing true
The article gets the message over in an easy to read style. I agree with Alex that empathy and effective coaching is useful. I enjoyed answering the questions too.
Enjoyed testing my knowledge with this type of test.
As a onsite trainer for my company Norbord Ltd I found this article extremely interesting and valuable, as I have just recently finished several offsite training day’s which was attended by all employee’s, the training day’s consist of mandatory H&S subjects which tends to go down like a lead balloon if you know what I mean, by adding humour to the subjects I presented poking a little bit of fun at certain characters in the work place with a few funny stories and jokes ended with a enjoyable day
I found this article very interesting and informative in that training and telling people what to do maintains a more efficient workforce. It also proves that there are less accidents in the workplace and that people will undertake tasks that they have been wary of if they are properly trained and competent on what we do
I enjoyed the style of the article particularly the Likely Lads theme as coming from Newcastle I watched it the 1st time around on TV and thought it was great. The reasoning behind training is all too often something that does not get explained to the trainee. They are more likely to listen and learn if reasons are explained and practical examples are given.
Thanks for the article and I look forward to many more.
As an independant safety trainer i found this article very interesting. I completely agree with the viewpoint expressed, sadly however on almost every occasion i arrive at a venue to conduct a training session, the contact is more interested in how long the session will take and i am met with the quetion ‘can we cut it down a bit as Dave/John (insert any name you like) needs to be somewhere else doing something MORE important than training’ most companies see a training course as a tick in a box
very good article the confidence required is reflected in the sitcom approach and that we can learn a great deal from others as long as we are prepared to be taught what ,why? and how…
Very informative and engaging article. I enjoyed the Likely Lads association was very apt. I agree that education and training are very different species of the same animal and as such need to be cared for in different ways. Enjoyed the questions too. Very well done