HSE merges chemicals bodies
The HSE has created a new Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) to
oversee the regulation of biocides, pesticides, detergents and
chemicals, and duties under the Classification and Labelling regime.
It follows the merger of the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) — which was transferred to the HSE from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in April 2008 — and the Chemicals Assessment Schemes Unit (CASU).
The CRD, which was formed on 1 April this year, will act as the Executive’s source of regulatory expertise on toxicology, chemistry, human exposure and environmental impact.
The PSD’s chief executive, Kerr Wilson, becomes director of the CRD, reporting directly to the HSE’s chief executive, Geoffrey Podger. Said Dr Wilson: “Bringing together the delivery of HSE responsibilities for pesticides, biocides detergents and industrial chemicals into one directorate has the potential to provide all stakeholders with a better regulatory service.”
HSE merges chemicals bodies
The HSE has created a new Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) tooversee the regulation of biocides, pesticides, detergents andchemicals, and duties under the Classification and Labelling regime.<br>
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