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SHP’s Most Influential of 2024

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=””]Following your nominations we’ve produced a list of 2024’s Most Influential people in the profession.

As well as input from the SHP Awards judging panel, we have compiled a shortlist of six people, taken from your nominations, who have been inspiring, engaging and driving change in occupational health and safety in the UK over the last 12 months.

The Most Influential of 2024 are…

From top left: Vicki Cutler, Gavin Coyle, Rob Miguel, Jason Anker MBE, Crystal Danbury, Hugh Maxwell

Vicki Cutler

The judges said: “Vicki has made a significant impact across resident and tenant safety in the social housing sector, sustained over decades which has shown evidence of transforming.”

Nominated by a peer, her submission said: “Her drive is unmatched in any professional I have ever worked with, and she selflessly utilises her own time and resources to give back to the sector in a number of ways and through a number of different mediums.

“She is an unsung female hero H&S practitioner that gives so much of her time including mentoring countless budding H&S practitioners without seeking recognition or reward.

“Her ethics and moral compass dictate which clients she will work with and influence others who work with her (clients and associates) to establish solid moral standing for good Health and Safety practises.”

Click here to see Vicki’s LinkedIn profile. 

Hugh Maxwell

The judges said: “Hugh has made a true global impact over a long period of time, with extensive work in Africa and Asia and also demonstrated incredible mentoring.”

Nominated by a peer, his submission said: “Hugh Maxwell’s nomination for SHP Most Influential person is based upon true visionary leadership, resilience, and a deep commitment to raising safety and health standards.

“Despite a serious illness in the past 12 months, he remains enthusiastic, focused, and highly professional, driving innovative change and elevating safety to even greater strategic levels. He adopts a proactive, data-driven people centric approach – enhancing safety performance, operational efficiency, engagement, and capabilities.

“This year alone, he completed safety leadership training in South Africa’s mining sector, engaging 650 miners, gaining backing and support from African ministers and influencers to support both Kenyan Rangers’ welfare and commitment to Vision Zero at Uganda’s inaugural safety summit, and presenting at the Asian HSE Summit in Kuala Lumpur. He has also provided safety leadership training for senior management, including recent efforts with Amazon UK.

“Renowned for his open approach, Hugh breaks barriers, encourages trust, empowers teams to voice concerns and promotes initiative-taking safety. His mentoring and leadership accolades reflect the support he gives, whilst he remains focused on developing others and elevating safety standards. “

Click here to see Hugh’s LinkedIn profile.


Gavin Coyle

The judges said: “Gavin has made a sector-wide impact, alongside his day job through successful podcasts and books.”

Nominated by a peer, his submission said: Gavin Coyle has made a significant impact on the safety and construction industries through his innovative approach and dedication to improving safety practices worldwide.

His book, Workplace Safety on a Budget, which has sold over 100 copies on Amazon, reinforces this message by providing practical, cost-effective strategies that show how safety can improve efficiency and profitability. Through his book, Gavin demonstrates that safety measures, when implemented correctly, can not only ensure compliance but also contribute to the bottom line.

He is committed in changing people’s perspective about safety, it is not just a compliance, but a profit centre and is also a strong advocate for the safety profession, recognizing the urgent need to attract more talent to the industry. Furthermore, he has raised awareness about the global labor shortages in the safety sector and emphasized the importance of nurturing the next generation of safety professionals to ensure the construction industry can meet future productivity demands.

Click here to see Gavin’s LinkedIn profile.

Crystal Danbury

The judges said: “Working in the retail sector with Sainsburys’, as well as impact via a nationwide company, Crystal is creating a wider influence in safety through creative thinking.”

Nominated by a peer, her submission read: Crystal is an inspiring safety leader whose life’s mission is to keep people safe. Her dedication and passion for safety are evident in every aspect of her work. She recently attained the prestigious IOSH Fellowship, a testament to her expertise and commitment to the profession. She is a thought leader in the safety field, consistently sharing her knowledge and insights through various platforms.

Her Speak! podcast with Elisa Lynch has become a popular and influential resource for safety professionals, offering valuable guidance and inspiration. Beyond her professional achievements, Crystal is a mentor to numerous individuals in the safety profession and within the wider Sainsbury’s business.

She generously shares her time and expertise and helping others to grow and succeed. Her leadership style is grounded in high trust and empowerment, pushing everyone in her team and beyond to challenge themselves and strive for excellence. She embodies the values of the safety profession and continues to make a significant impact on the lives of many.

Click here to see Crystal’s LinkedIn profile.

Jason Anker

The judges said: “A pioneer and influencer, who has made a major impact over many decades across multiple sectors.””Jason has delivered motivational talks for the past 15 years up and down the country and beyond, sharing his experiences of his struggles of being in a wheelchair due to an avoidable workplace accident.

“He continues to improve and help and give back where he can and regularly speaks to apprentices at colleges with the intention that they have the knowledge before they enter the workplace, which he does free of charge and in his own time.

“When Jason first began speaking it was solely a fall from height session, but along the way he has learnt more about his accident and realised it was down to his poor mental health and wellbeing, a significant realisation that he now weaves into his talks.

“He develops new ideas based off feedback from clients or conversations he has had on-site, and as well as doing his live 1 -2 hour sessions has developed a workshop with a simple tool that helps individuals and companies create the desired culture by using techniques that helps everybody develop a workplace where it is just a nice place to be, a happy, safe environment which will then benefit and improve

“Jason will always share his story even though he has been on such a difficult journey both  physically and mentally,  but he will continue to do so in the hope that no other families have to go through what his own went through.”

Click here to see Jason’s LinkedIn profile.

Rob Miguel

The judges said: “Rob has had a lifetime of impact across multiple sectors.”

Leading Unite’s health and safety team, Rob was nominated by three unions, which read: “His joint-nomination read: Having spent two decades as a workplace health and safety representative, working as an electrician and maintenance engineer, Rob went on to become an officer of one of Britain’s largest trade unions, having spent the last 25 years supporting other workers and at Unite, supports over one million members across a variety of industries including construction, transport and manufacturing.

At a national level, Rob represents workers within the HSE’s Industry Competence Committee, advising the new Building Safety Regulator, and providing much-needed representation for employees in critical decision-making processes. He also brings the staff voice to the NHS Employers’ Health, Safety and Wellbeing Group.

Over the years, Rob has fulfilled this function on a number of government and industrial bodies. Rob’s influence extends globally, too, with his current role leading negotiations for Britain at the ILO’s 112th Conference on Biological Hazards for 2024-2025, where he is shaping the future of international standards in workplace safety.

Some of the work Rob has played an influential role in within Unite includes national agreements on safe working in construction, and the development of its ‘Get Me Home Safely’ campaign to protect workers during journeys to and from the workplace. Rob’s leadership was crucial during the Covid-19 pandemic, where he played a key role in shaping Unite’s response to the crisis. He supported workers in sectors like transport and healthcare, ensuring their safety through the implementation of robust measures and contributing to the government’s safer working guidelines.

Rob also initiated and leads on Unite’s prostate cancer campaign, researching and raising awareness amongst employers and the union’s membership, and has championed the role of union safety representatives, with a special focus on increasing diversity by encouraging under-represented groups to step into these critical roles. As one of the few prominent voices in the world of occupational safety and health from a BME background, he serves as an inspiration to black members and has helped highlight the link between the OSH and anti-racism agendas.

His commitment to centring workers’ voices in the fight to make work safer is exemplary, and his work continues to create safer, fairer workplaces across Britain, and as he approaches his well-earned retirement, we hope this nomination serves as recognition of the influence he’s had on many in the trade- union movement and beyond.

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SHP’s Most Influential of 2024 Following your nominations we've produced a list of 2024's Most Influential people in the profession, and as difficult as it may seem, we would like you to choose a winner!
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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