Rising Stars in health and safety collect awards

Young people and those new to the profession, who have demonstrated excellence in their roles were celebrated at the Rising Star in Health and Safety Awards at the Safety & Health Expo, last week. Presented by Lawrence Waterman OBE, Director of Health and Safety at Battersea Power Station, the ceremony commended many workers who are showing drive, determination and professionalism while finding their feet in Health and Safety.

This year’s winner was James Eastham from Eric Wright Group.
James has been described by the judges as proactive and hard-working, and a role model to others.
Described as a great ambassador for the company and showing great adversity and courage, he has made a huge contribution to his company since taking on the health and safety role.
Over 140 individuals were nominated for the awards, with a very high calibre of entry. Highly commended awards went to Iona Mowat, 3M and Michael Coates, Geotechnics Limited.

Three colleges were presented with awards by John Cairns, Chairman of SGUK, to celebrate their contribution for conducting pilot projects for the new LOcHER campaign.
The colleges were:
- South Essex College …………… MVR (Motor vehicle repair) Poster award – Drazic Sheridan
- Preston’s College ………………. Woodworking. Poster award – Patrick Webster
- Coleg Gwent ………………….. Welding. Poster award – Mathew Clatworthy.
Presentations were also made to the apprentice from each college who produced the most innovative poster that conveyed the key elements to raise awareness of the dangers of long latency disease over their working lives.
The winning posters are shown below:

John Cairns commented “The quality of poster submission from the apprentices was outstanding and a very high level of interest was expressed by visitors to the Safety and Health Expo in the utilisation of these posters throughout the UK. The contribution of the college staff and apprentices, as well as the LOcHER project team, has been exceptional and I’m positive that the LOcHER project will be adopted by colleges nationwide to the future benefit of apprentices health throughout their working lives”
The Rising Stars for 2016 were as follows:
Winner of the Rising Star in Health and Safety Award 2016:
James Eastham from Eric Wright Group
Highly commended:
- Iona Mowat, 3M
- Michael Coates, Geotechnics Limited
Commended by the judges (in no particular order):
- Paul Crutchley, Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service
- Michael Wright, Trant Engineering
- Ricky Stefanetti, Sinclair International
- Kevin Marlowe, Colas Rail
- Laura Allen, Coveris UK Food & Consumer
- Scott McGready, Briggs Equipment UK
- Becky Cammillare, Stoke-on-Trent City Council
- Derek Spence, Virgin Trains East Coast
- Robert Temple, Suffolk county Council
- Emma Hughes, A-one+ Intergrated Highway Services
- Sean Durnan, Persimmon Homes,
- Josh Bourne, TClarke,
- Bethany Hodkinson, Mondelez International
- Helen Beattie, HSL
Shortlisted (in no particular order):
- Sarah Susman, Scott Brownrigg
- Kelly Alton, Allenbuild Ltd
- U Chit Ko Pe, Straits Construction Singapore Pte Ltd
- Kenny Copley, WDH
- James Eastham, Eric Wright Group
- Edward Raj, Singapore Power Limited
- Will Collis, DMW environmental Safety
- Lee Allen, CS WIND UK
- Rob Carlin, Direct Safety Solutions Ltd
- Shaun McSorley, Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd
- Rebecca Beattie, WDP
- Geetha Unnithan, NPW
- Alexander Urrutia, Petrofac,
- Craig McCarter, Persimmon Homes PLC
- Barry Doyle, Actavo
- Alexandra (Alex) Evans, Northumbrian Water Ltd
- Adam Gomes, Altius V A Ltd
- Aaron Montgomery, Southalls
- Maria Bryceland, SoNQ
- Catherine Jevic, All Safe HSE
- Alison Nimbley, ISS Healthcare Facility Services
- Fiona Torrie Barchester Healthcare
- Catherine De Villiers, Dolphin Square
- Chandra Hughes, Helix Property Advisors
- Carol Cooper, Gloucestershire hospitals, NHS foundation trust
- Callum Bradbury, EMCOR UK
- Catriona Sinclair, Kingston University Services Company.
Rising Stars in health and safety collect awards
Young people and those new to the profession, who have demonstrated excellence in their roles were celebrated at the Rising
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this is getting as bad as the luvvies and their oscars. The prob;lem is we do not come into this p[rofession for such recognoition, knowing you have everyone going home with all their body bits is recognition enough. The other point is they are all so young, never having dsone a proper days work all they can bring to the party is academia, which is never a good thing. what do they know and understand about the work place and the need for a pragmatic approach. They may know the books but they know nothing else. Alas this is the… Read more »
I wouldn’t normally comment on a forum like this, but felt the comments from Steve Paul were so out of touch, my fingers jumped to the keyboard. We should celebrate young people entering our profession and mentor them to become the professionals we believe ourselves to be. I will take this opportunity to congratulate all of the people put forward for the awards, not just the winners and wish them luck in a profession I personally find rewarding and worthwhile. We struggle enough with the comments from the media without shooting ourselves in the foot, with negative comments from within… Read more »
In fact recognition it due to the effort these young people put into their role. James Eastham has come from a joinery background and has a better understanding of the challenges faced by the workers than a lot of safety professionals in the industry, and he uses his experience as a joiner to promote a good safety culture with his colleagues still on the tools.
Oh dear Steve Paul
These young people are truly inspirational and a credit to young people and young professionals.
So young with no experience you say at 54 yrs old with 34 years of emergency service experience I thank you for your comments and hope you never get to deal with the life shattering incidents I have done.
Well done to all the rising stars and Steve shame on you